
Marketing 101

To be successful in this business, it is important that storytellers learn how to market their material.  Here are some posts I've written about getting your name out there!

These seven posts are a series I called Marketing 101: They look at the various items I use for marketing. I discuss design, function, and efficacy.

1.Marketing Materials 101: Part 1 - Questions

2. Branding: Do You Have A Logo?

3. Your Business Card - Is It Working Hard, or Hardly Working?

4. Marketing 101 Part 4 - The Brochure: A Giant, Multitasking, Business Card

5. The Press Kit: What On Earth Is This?

6.Marketing 101: Cohesion - Why Does It Matter?

7. Marketing 101 Part 7: The Wrap Up!

Feast, Famine, or Flood: Don't Spend It Unless You Have It!

Money can be an odd thing when you are a professional storyteller, or artist of any kind. Sometimes it seems like our bank accounts are very healthy, we turn around, and they are completely empty. This is typically called feast or famine.

Who Is Looking For You? What Will They Find?

I realized I needed a website a long time ago. I was really pleased when I had the first one designed, and we actually put a bid out on a tech site to get my latest one done by a real live graphic arts studio. 

A New Look: Publicity Photos

It's a brand new year!

Time to re-set my life!

Time to rethink my choices!

Time to redo my publicity!

Time to submit new material for publication!

Time to figure out if I'm changing careers!

Snow Days: Rescheduling A Month of Work

This means that schools get canceled, and shows cannot go forward.  It also means I get to spend a few of my ever dwindling days with my children.  Still, there are some things we can do to make sure that if Mother Nature renders our schedule nonfunctional, we are prepared.  Here are things that Dave and I do.

The Business Manager: How Do You Manage The Manager?

I am married to my business manager.  Now, in saying this I do not mean that my business manager and I work together so often, and are in each other's lives so deeply, that my husband says I might as well be married to her or him.  No.  My husband is my business Manager.  I often refer to him as The David.

The Artist Meat Market

There are parts of my job that I love, and parts I absolutely despise.  Well, of course that's true, otherwise it wouldn't be a job.  The parts I love outnumber the parts I loathe.  Well, of course that's true as well, or I would be doing something else.  Showcasing is not one of my favorite bits of this life I've chosen.

Mission Statement Impossible

My Mission Statement has been an essential part of honing my repertoire, choosing stories, and figuring out what jobs I take and which ones I pass on to others.

Picking Publicity Photos - Marketing, Marketing, Marketing

Professional Storytellers conduct the business portion of their work like every other business in the world.  We have to figure out what we have to offer, package it with a pithy logo or tagline that helps us stand out from the pack, and sell that brand to the public.

Showcase Application Season Is Upon Us! - What does that mean?

If you are looking to expand your market, showcasing is a great way to do it.  What is showcasing?  Why should you do it?  What is the most effective way to showcase?

Bread and Butter - Negotiating the price of a show

So, you're ready to take on the big bad world of selling your art to consumers who are desperate to hire you and bring fortune to your door!  Congratulations!  Now, on to the first order of do you begin?

Info about 2 Summer Reading Showcases

I've noticed that showcasing blogs don't seem to get much traffic.  Nevertheless, they are an important part of the business of being a storyteller.  Here are the two most recent I attended.

Being A Touring Storyteller Is Like Being Shackled to a Galloping Unicorn: Amazing and Disconcerting.

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