
Thursday, May 7, 2020

The David and Sue O'Halloran Are Hosting A Workshop About The Business of Virtual Storytelling! - SAVE THE DATE

Earlier this week a sent out a simple question asking if anyone would be interested in a workshop where The David talked about transforming our business model in the age of non-touring.

The response was not surprising to me, but it was definitely surprising to The David.

Sue O'Halloran

Well, it just so happens that the afternoon after the morning I sent out that query, The David got a call from Sue O'Halloran about virtual work.

Sheila Arnold
Sue has run an entire festival online! She's created hours and hours of online material.

Sue has graciously allowed us to post two of her resources on the most effective way to record online content on our ASST (Artist Standing Strong Together) blog.

I thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if the two of them taught something together? Maybe half the workshop could be about creating online material, and the other half could be the marketing and reformation of the business.

They talked about and decided it was a doable thing!

Next, we contacted the amazing Sheila Arnold. 
We asked if she would be willing to host it as an ASST program.

She said she most certainly would!

Next, we needed a date.

So, here it is -

On May 27th, 3pm Dave Klibanow (aka The David) and Sue O'Halloran will conduct a 90-minute workshop on taking your touring artist business virtual.

There will be a charge for this workshop.


In the coming days, there will be more information.

If you are interested in the workshop keep your eyes open for the registration information. I will post, and repost and repost again between now and the event.

There is no plan to cap the numbers, at this point. If that changes, we will let you know.

That's the big news. Other than that?


I recorded hours of content for our virtual business, including a little promo video

- My daughter made a gorgeous map for her beau

My son started creating a ten course online class for middle schoolers and teens who want to do world building in video games.

The David oversaw and organized it all.

Have a great week.

How can it feel like tons of things are happening and nothing at all is happening all at the same time?

Be safe
Social distance
Stay inside
Wash your hands!

Happy Figuring It Out Every Day!

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