
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Required Essay For The First Day Of School: I'm glad summer is almost over!

What I Did On My Summer Vacation
by Donna Washington

The 2018 - 2019 school year in NC was a bit funky. 

Spring break didn’t happen until very late, and it was staggered in such a way I didn't actually get a chance to have a break.

The David assured me that I had a light summer schedule, which to me meant that I was going to get lots of writing done, and I could get recharged from the strange season of gigs.

The Raliegh Durham Airport where I spent far too much time
Technically, he was right. I did have a light summer in some ways. It was not the work that killed me; it was the traveling. 

My light summer started with a retreat up at Wildacres with some friends.

I got home in time to repack and head out to New Hampshire with The David.

We drove up there and then took a ferry out to an island that was ten miles off shore.

Star Island, NH was beautiful
I was there for a week teaching adults for about an hour and a half each day, staying in a dormitory with The David, and watching barn swallows teach their newly fledged chicks how to hunt. I also did four other storytelling sets just because I didn’t think it was fair not to work with some of the kids. That was on me.

I got home from New Hampshire. Slept in my own bed for twenty-four hours and then drove to South Carolina for work.

Home for twenty-four hours drove to Georgia for work; got home and The David graciously drove me to my show in High Point.

By this time, I was wrung out, but things were just getting started.

I had a series of single shows, then flew out to California for the Storytelling Summit. I saw so many good friends!
The Fabulous Carrie Sue Ayvar

Diane Ferlatte!
Tim Ereneta - One of my friends from college
Mitch and Mary

Charlotte Blake Alston and Brenda Wong Aoki

I was home for twenty-four hours and then flew to Montreal Canada to consult with a business for a couple of days.

I was home for two days and then flew to Nashville, TN to sit on a panel at the National Conference of State Legislators Summit about using storytelling in politics.

I met the hosts of The Road To Now podcast Bob Crawford and Ben Sawyer. They recorded our panel discussion and aired it on their podcast.


The day after I flew home I was recording two CDs in a studio all day.

One day to rest, and then I did the United Arts showcase.

The summer is almost over.

The fall is going to be busy, but not summer kind of busy. I’m looking forward to being in one spot for more than three days at a time, and sleeping in my own bed on a regular basis.

Oh, and if you guessed that I didn’t actually get much writing done…you would be correct!

Happy Summer!

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