
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Gearing Up For A New Season: Fall Is Coming

Summer Days Are Dwindling!

Do you know what your marketing cycles are?

We have two big ones.
Summer for the fall and winter
Winter for the spring and summer

When do you start marketing for a season?
August and January are our big push months

How long does it take to reap that market?
After the cycle starts, most of the booking happens in the next three to four weeks for established markets.

How do you reach the people you'd like to contact you?

Most of it is word of mouth or familiarity

No, I am not going to write another long marketing series!

It is just that these questions come up with us every fall. No matter how long we've been at this, the amount of effort expended to make the season profitable doesn't get any less.

If anything, it gets more intense as people try to bargain for specific dates, parts of the year, or blocks of time.

My job in all of this is to design the workshops The David claims I can teach and put together presentations and key notes for organizations he swears I can address.

The leaves change. The world moves. Business waits for nobody. We just hired a firm to redesign our outdated website.

This year is going to be tricky because I have to edit a novel for a February deadline while I flit all over the country.

I tell myself that there are worse problems to have and then I take a deep breath and try not to freak myself out about how much is on the plate.

Meanwhile, I try to do all of the things that are difficult when I am traveling:

I sleep,


Baking got way more interesting since I went Gluten Free
Eat healthy,




Play with the cats,

Not stress out over politics,

Deal with the Empty Nest,

and gear up for the year ahead.

Self Care is a huge part of this time of year. Be well and be safe.

In closing, I would like to say a sad farewell to a woman who had so much more to give us....

The Storytelling World lost Dianne de Las Casas. She was only forty-seven.  If you knew her and want to support the family, here is a way to do it.

Dianne was a bright light in the storytelling world as well as being a prolific writer. She taught workshops on marketing, storytelling, and writing, and she touched the lives of many hundreds of thousands of children and adults.

Dianne, you are missed.

All of us have so much to give.

Give all you can.

Have a happy and healthy Fall.


  1. Dianne is seriously missed. I attended a workshop of hers years ago and it was life changing. Was she ill or was it an accident?

    1. She was in a house fire.

      I haven't been able to read this article, but this is the news release that people have been sharing to explain what happened. You might not want to read it if such things would upset you.

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