
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year's Eve: Let's get ready for 2015!

Well, another year is coming to an end.  Tomorrow, another year will begin.  I look forward to all of the trials, tribulations, joys, and discovery 2015 will bring.

I want to thank everyone who stopped by to ogle, linked in and perused, read faithfully, shared a post or two, or just happened upon me for a moment.  This is a labor I didn't expect to enjoy or sustain, so the fact that I'm still doing it is quite shocking to me at times!

I've got some ideas for the blog for the coming year.

I am planning some interviews with a few of my favorite tellers.

I'm thinking of doing an internet series, and I'll write about it as well as post it to Facebook.

I'm doing an assortment of conferences, festivals, the occasional showcase, lots and lots of storytelling, watching one kid go off to college, and one possibly going off to boarding school, so I suspect there will be posts about those stories culminating all over the place.

I'm going to try to get my husband/business manager to do a post about what it is like to manage a storyteller...he might have to dictate it since he doesn't really enjoy writing and finds it difficult.

I'm going to ask my 15 year old daughter to write a post about what it is like as a kid to grow up in a home where storytelling and fantasy are just part of the day to day life, and what it was like to write her first novel at the age of 14.

I'm going to ask my 18 year old son to write a short post about his thoughts about leaving home and have him reflect on being a sculptor who wants to storyboard for video games.

Yes, I've got  number of things I think will be lovely.

However, before I embrace 2015, I need to spend this last day of 2014 celebrating the fact that quite some time ago a fella took a chance on marrying a full time professional storyteller.

Today is our nineteenth anniversary.  A life filled with stories is the best kind of life you can have!

Celebrate 2014!  Best wishes for 2015!

Happy New Year!

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