
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Info about 2 Summer Reading Showcases

I've noticed that showcasing blogs don't seem to get much traffic.  Nevertheless, they are an important part of the business of being a storyteller.  Here are the two most recent I attended.

The first was for the the state of Delaware.  Delaware has 35 libraries in the entire state.  They have a nifty system.  The invite all the librarians to a showcase, and they have any performer who might want to present in a library in Delaware come to that one location and perform for all the librarians.  They have a chance to see everyone.  The librarians rate the performers and the state picks two people to send to each and every one of the libraries for the summer.  Individual libraries can hire performers the liked, but if you get to be one of the two picked, you have a guaranteed 35 gigs for summer reading.  not bad.

This was my first year.  It was a great showcase.  It was well run.  The librarians were great.  I was chosen as one of the two performers for the entire summer.  Well worth the trip.

I will post the info for 2014 when it is released.

The second showcase I attended was in Washington DC.  It was another library showcase.  They also have a rating system, but I have no idea if they book en masse with the city or if individual libraries have to book separately.  When I find out, I will post it here.

Look for showcases in your area, find out what the particulars of each showcase might be, and get into them.  It increases your exposure.

The Delaware showcase allotted 25 minutes.  That's a big hunk of time.

the Washington DC showcase allotted 15 minutes.  That's also a big hunk of time.

There was no need for tables with displays at either of these showcases.  They just wanted to see the performers.

Well worth it!

Happy Telling!

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