
Friday, November 15, 2013

A New Day Dawns

I just went to school.  Karen Langford Chace just put me through my paces.  I think it is time to say out loud, unequivocally that I am now officially sort of schooled on this blogging business!

From learning about hyperlinking, to relating back to other posts on my blog, to using the 'Labels' section on my gadget box (which I knew existed but had no idea what it was for), to how to embed videos from Youtube on my page.

Here I am performing at Charleston Tells!

I also learned that my posts are way, way too long and I need to add more pictures.  Well, that just means I'll write long blog posts, break them up into series, and go at it like that....I think.  Who knows?

Not only that, apparently, it is time I actually made a point of sharing these blog posts with people other than the folks who drop in from Facebook.  Okay.

So, terrified that I am not up to it, but determined to join the 21st Century, I am jumping in with both feet!

I think, it is just possible I am ready to become a grown up storytelling blogger!

Happy Telling Blogging!


  1. Donna,

    You are now officially my star pupil! Great job putting things to work right away. I am looking forward to many more blog posts from you. Thanks for your vote of confidence. :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to take me through this! I really appreciate all the tutelage. Now, I just have to keep plugging away!

  2. Haha, nice work, Donna! I don't always have time to read your blog, but when I do, I enjoy it - you have interesting things to say, so thanks for sharing. You're totally up for it - good on you for taking the steps; I understand how daunting it can be to branch out/strive to be better.

    1. Well, I learned that I'm making the entries too long. I'll work on making it a more digestible experience!

  3. Hi Donna! This is great! I have been wanting a tutorial myself, so, as you so often do, you have have inspired me. I really enjoy your blog and even included a link to your blog in the latest ASC newsletter. Love the video!

    1. Thank you, Sherry. I have decided to try and be better about this and blog more often...we'll see how it goes! Karen assures me I have more to say than my once a month or so blog posts suggest, so I am going to try to do it once every two weeks right and first. Sheesh, that seems like a great deal. Well, she's the boss.

  4. I have been a rather inconsistent blogger, but realised a while ago even I don't generally read blog posts as long as mine, so a few paragraphs is probably optimal no matter how interesting the content with images/videos, in this information overload age! This was a little brief for me as I lie to skim the text at first before going back to the video when I have more time.
    Well done though. I need to trim my newsletters too- but always make them longer than I intend.

    1. I always sort of thought of this as a letter to myself or a place to dump my mind out on the page, but if I want to share this with others...I need to be more cognizant of what works and what does not!
